What are the health benefits of Spirulina: A Brief Overview

What are the benefits of spirulina? Arthrospira platensis, or commonly referred to as Spirulina is a one-celled cyanobacterium which contains concentrated levels of proteins along with other nutrients and vitamins. Living in alkaline fresh water bodies, the blue green algae has been seen to have lived billions of years back and is accepted in the scientific community as one of the first species to have lived. Spirulina, due to the helix shaped strand, got its name from the Latin word for little spiral. However, although physically tiny, the same cannot be said to the immeasureable nutrients and vitamins that it will provide for the human body. In reality, these days, people use Spirulina as health supplements for their day-to-day consumption. Currently, because of the abundant health advantages it gives, folks are now starting to completely understand what exactly Spirulina is. Yet before you go to the discussion on these said benefits let us first read through the blue green’s famous start.Earliest data of the utilization of Spirulina can be tracked from the Kanembu people in Chad in Africa. Researchers have found that around the 6th century, they have been implementing Spirulina in their everyday regular diet. They will make hard sundried cakes made from Spirulina, crumble them into tiny parts and then combine it with meats, fish and vegetables. They would then either store it for their home consumption or market it to the nearest industry. The ponds around Lake Chad were found to have been the main supply for their cakes that they call dihé. The idea of what Spirulina is was also identical using the Aztecs and a few Mesoamericans. Study also implies that before the 16th century, before the Spanish conquest of these people, the aforementioned societies also made Spirulina a part of their daily nutrition. It was discovered that like the Kanembu folks, they also made cakes made from Spirulina. If one would question them “what are the Spirulina benefits?” they would immediately answer, “techuitlatl.” This was their local name for the blue green algae. However, because of their conquest as well as the fast growth and urbanization, these cakes were no more part of their healthy lifestyle. Nonetheless, Lake Texcoco, the lake where they gathered the Spirulina, stays around.Knowing the history of Spirulina, let us now talk about the health advantages of Spirulina in order for us to completely answer the key topic of this information, which is: “What are the Spirulina benefits?” According to research made, Spirulina, when taken, serves to improve the human body’s defense mechanisms, helps in avoiding cancer, controls blood pressure level and reduces bad cholesterol, and the like. It has been discovered to help in dealing with arsenic poisoning due to contaminated water. This research was conducted in Bangladesh where safe drinking water is regarded as a luxury. Furthermore, Spirulina is seen by experts as a possible remedy to autoimmune conditions like, however, not limited to Lupus, Aids and HIV. Yet, to know the most famous use of Spirulina click here for list of health benefits. A lot of health buffs are now using Spirulina tablets and capsules as a reliable source of protein since it is composed of 60% protein containing all the essential amino acids. According to these nutritional components, undoubtedly Spirulina deserves its being known as a superfood.